29 Jan 2021 Legislative Update-Week 4
After postponing committee meetings because of safety concerns, the Indiana General Assembly is now back on track. This week, several House and Senate committees reconvened to discuss the next round of bills, including some of the Governor’s own initiatives. Not surprisingly, SB 1: Civil Immunity for COVID-19 was voted out of the Judiciary Committee and the Senate itself, and is now headed to the House.
The IDA strongly supports this measure, which would shelter dental employers from COVID-related liability claims.
HB 1079: Definition of Dentistry/Vaccines/Virtual Credit Cards
The IDA’s own HB 1079 has been scheduled for a hearing in the Public Health Committee on Monday, February 1. HB 1079 amends the definition of dentistry, allows a dentist to administer immunizations under certain circumstances, and provides that a health insurance plan may not require a dental provider to accept payment under the health insurance plan by virtual claim payment.
State Representative Dr. Denny Zent and IDA Director of Government Affairs Shane Springer are expected to testify in favor of the bill, explaining how this IDA initiative would increase access to oral healthcare throughout the state.
Rep. Zent and Shane will testify around 8:30 a.m. on Monday. To watch their testimony, visit this link.
HB 1286 Telehealth Matters
On Tuesday, Shane Springer testified in front of the Public Health Committee favor of HB 1286. The bill expands the application of the telehealth statute to additional licensed practitioners, amends the definition of “telehealth,” and specifies that a patient waives confidentiality of medical information concerning individuals in the vicinity when the patient is using telehealth, among other provisions. Several professional organizations voiced support of the bill, which should be put to a committee vote next week.
As always, thank you for being a member of the IDA. Your membership and participation are essential to our organization and we will continue our fight for Indiana dentists.
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