Your Career as a Dental Hygienist

Job Description

Working together with the dentist, dental hygienists help provide comprehensive dental care to patients. Dental hygienists provide preventive care and clean teeth, as well as educate patients in order to help them practice good oral hygiene. Additionally, hygienists take x-rays and may administer local anesthesia in some states.

American Dental Association (ADA) information on Dental Hygiene careers >>>

American Dental Hygiene Association (ADHA)  Career Center >>>

Education and Training

A minimum of two years of college education is required to become a dental hygienist. Some programs may last longer and may award a baccalaureate or bachelor’s degree.

Indiana University School of Dentistry Dental Hygiene program >>>

ADHA information on dental hygiene education >>>


Contact Information

American Dental Hygienists’ Association:

Indiana Dental Hygienists Association:



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