Dental Public Health Committee

Charged with improving the oral health of Hoosiers

The Dental Public Health Committee has overarching responsibility for improving public health by establishing and monitoring metrics, monitoring access issues, encouraging oral health literacy and supporting charitable care clinics and special events. It will monitor, support and encourage collaboration between various educational and charitable educational efforts that previously worked independently of each other.


The activities of the committee include but are not limited to:

  • Maintain a comprehensive program of oral health educational service.
  • Serve as liaison to the Indiana Department of Health and other agencies influencing oral health.
  • Assist component societies in the development of oral health policies and programs within their jurisdiction.
  • Monitor the oral health needs of the public and plans to meet such needs.
  • Formulate programs for promoting oral health which will be submitted to the Board for action in conformity with the policies adopted by the House.
  • Encourage and monitor public health studies and evaluate the results of programs designed to improve oral health.
Staff liaison: Ed Rosenbaum
Chair: Dr. Tyler Kimmel
Meetings per year: 3 meetings per year, 1 at the IDA central office and 2 via web conference
Time per meeting: 2 hours per meeting

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