Dental Day at the Capitol

What is IDA Dental Day at the Capitol?

Retired endodontist and former State Representative Dr. Denny Zent speaks to dentists and dental students at the Statehouse.

The mission of our annual Dental Day is to share the legislative process with you and your fellow IDA members, help you build relationships with your legislators, and build the dental profession’s political impact at the Statehouse. The 2025 Dental Day will be held Monday, February 3. Breakfast starts at 9 a.m. and the program begins at 9:30.


The morning will start at the Columbia Club on Monument Circle, followed by lunch and an afternoon at the Indiana State Capitol Building. Click here to view the day’s agenda. This event is FREE, but registration is required. Please register using the form below.


Please note the new morning location for the 2025 Dental Day: Columbia Club, located on Monument Circle. The nearest parking garage is the Market Tower Garage at 139 North Illinois Street, but meters are also plentiful in the area. The Columbia Club also offers valet parking for $20.


Why is Dental Day Important?

Every session, members of the Indiana Legislature make decisions that affect your patients, your practice, and your profession. Meeting these legislators face-to-face, introducing yourself to their staff members, and sharing information on what matters to dentistry is the most effective way for you to have an impact on the political process and advocate for Hoosier oral health.


You may not realize it, but your legislators actually want to hear from you. Your representatives can’t know all the details about every issue. They rely on your professional expertise to provide information regarding the impact that bills and legislation might have.



What to Expect From Dental Day


Preparing for Dental Day

REGISTER! There is no cost to attend, but appointments with legislators will be made in advance, so preregistration is mandatory. IDA members will be grouped with IUSD students for these informal meetings with legislators. Simply complete the registration form below.


Find your legislators! Learn about your legislators. Do your homework. Find the names of your legislators here. Be sure to search for your legislator by using your home address, not your practice address. Legislators are most interested in talking to their own constituents.





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