Recent Legislative Achievements




  • Assignment of Benefits: Patient-directed Assignment of Benefits (AoB) requires insurers to honor a patient’s request to pay their dentist directly for services rendered.
  • Network Leasing: Requires insurance carriers to notify in-network providers of intent to lease network and give providers option to “opt-out” of the leasing arrangement.




  • Successful Passage of House Enrolled Act 1113 and Senate Enrolled Act 273
  • Eliminated the $20 Dental Compliance Fund fee on licensure renewals.
  • Secured record state investment to Indiana’s Donated Dental Services Program.
  • Codified language allowing for the administration of anesthesia by a licensed physician anesthesiologist in dental offices.




  • Successful Passage of Senate Enrolled Act 136
  • Prohibits insurance carriers from setting fees on services not covered under a health insurance plan.




  • Successful Passage of House Enrolled Act 10
  • Updated the definition of what it means to practice dentistry.
  • Reigned in the use of Virtual Credit Card reimbursements by insurance carriers.
  • Allow dentists the option to administer vaccinations.

We support one

Do Politics Affect Me?

You bet! Consider this:

Indiana lawmakers play a role in implementing any national health care reform that is passed in Washington, D.C. It is important we educate legislators on the issues important to dentistry. For example:


  • The need for State financial support of the Dental Lifeline Network which provides over a million dollars of charitable dental care to elderly and medically frail Hoosiers each year
  • The fact that dental school debt can often run more than $250,000 upon graduation, which puts many new dentists in a financial position where treating Medicaid patients is not feasible


Dentistry is at a critical juncture. State and federal politicians could very well decide what kind of practice you’ll be running and what type of care your patients will be receiving in the future. Make sure your voice is heard. Dentists know what’s best for dentistry!

What Can We Do?

Elect candidates who will listen to our concerns. Your support can mean the difference between laws that are fair and laws that are not. It’s as simple as that. With IDPAC, we have an opportunity to make a change. Click the donation button at the bottom of this page to provide support to IDPAC.

Does IDPAC Support Democrats or Republicans?

Both. IDPAC is bipartisan in its selection of candidates. It supports and seeks to elect candidates who have demonstrated a commitment to dentistry, regardless of party affiliation.

What Decides Which Candidates Receive IDPAC Support?

The key ingredients to candidate support are: candidate issue orientation, electability and, most important, input from local dentists.

Why Does IDPAC Need Me?

Our voice cannot be heard completely without the support of all members. Currently only one-fourth of all IDA members contribute to IDPAC. This means three-fourths of the members are counting on the others to carry the burden. We need you as much as you need us. If every member does his or her fair share, we will all benefit.

Why Was IDPAC Organized?

Dental health policy was being established without dentist involvement. Politicians were determining what our problems were and developed their own solutions. Some did not even care about the dental profession. We needed to tell our side of the story.

Do IDPAC and ADPAC Work Together?

YES! They are an inseparable team working together to get the dental voice heard in the Indiana Legislature and the U.S. Congress. IDPAC is the “life support system” for ADPAC. ADPAC relies on us to provide information on the quality and effectiveness of candidates from Indiana.

I already Pay My Association Dues. Isn’t that enough?

Federal law and Indiana law prohibit the use of dues money for making contributions to candidates. IDPAC’s goals can be realized only through your contributions.

Donate to IDPAC

IDPAC’s voice is heard with the help of generous donations. To donate to IDPAC, click on the donation button at the top of the page.

Many thanks to our generous donors whose contributions are helping IDPAC advocate for dentistry in the Indiana Statehouse. 


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