Editor-Journal IDA

The Editor of the Journal IDA is one of three “appointive officers” of the IDA. Unlike line officers and the Speaker and Vice Speaker, who are all elected by the House of Delegates, appointive officers (Editor, Treasurer and Executive Director/Secretary) are nominated and elected by the Board of Trustees for terms not to exceed three years.


As the name implies, the Editor is primarily responsible for publication of the Journal IDA, working closely with the Director of Communications, who serves as managing editor. The Editor is responsible for selecting contributors, themes and content, including scientific, news, editorials and other articles. The Editor, at his or her choosing, may appoint an Associate Editor or Editorial Advisory Board to assist with these duties.


As is the case with all officers (except for the Executive Director) the Editor must be an active, life, or retired member in good standing of both the Indiana Dental Association and American Dental Association.


Qualifications include:

  1. Good writing and editing skills: The Editor must be comfortable writing a quarterly editorial of approximately 1,500 words and participating in the editing and proofreading process for the quarterly Journal IDA.
  2. Deadline oriented: The Editor must be comfortable and confident working against close deadlines.
  3. Good at planning and reminding: Managing volunteer writers is sometimes a challenge. It is not the role of staff to push volunteers to get submissions in on time, so that responsibility often falls on the Editor. The Editor must be firm and willing to press others into meeting their obligations.
  4. Team player: The Editor and Managing Editor work most effectively when there is mutual respect and a clear understanding of each other’s roles. The Editor should also consider input from other IDA leaders when considering Journal content, direction, ideas and potential authors.


Other responsibilities:

  1. Attend all Board meetings, House of Delegates meetings and any other special meetings.
  2. Attend Communications Committee meetings three to four times per year. Most are online meetings.
  3. The Editor is also responsible for keeping up to date on trending dental, IDA and ADA news.
  4. With other specified officers and an at large member of the Board of Trustees, the Editor serves as a member of the Executive Director Review Committee.


Interested parties are encourage to express their interest no later than Friday, May 3, by contacting Executive Director Doug Bush or Director of Communications Kathy Walden. The position will be filled by the Board of Trustees when it next meets on Saturday, May 18, 2024, in French Lick, Indiana, in conjunction with the Midwest Dental Assembly.


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