23 Apr Members Encouraged to Register for INSPECT
In an effort to address the opiate epidemic, the Indiana General Assembly passed legislation to phase in a mandate to check the INSPECT prescription management program.
Individual practitioners have until July 1, 2021 to make electronic health records interoperable to check records when prescribing an opioid or benzodiazepine prescription. Emergency departments and pain management clinics must comply by July 2019 and hospitals by July 2020.
INSPECT is a valuable tool that allows doctors to know when they are being “shopped” by patients seeking opioids. It serves as a warning system if a patient is abusing the doctor’s prescribing authority. Representatives from the Governor’s office stated that only 40 percent of all prescribers are with INSPECT. Please do your part. Register early and use it often.
For more information and instructions on how to register, visit http://www.in.gov/pla/inspect/2381.htm
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