On Demand Webinars

Did you miss one of our free, live monthly one-hour E-Learning Series webinars? You may purchase a recording of the sessions using the link below.

Earn the continuing education credits you need from the convenience and comfort of your home or office. Records are of the IDA E-Learning webinar since 2019, now offered through our NEW IDA CE OnDemand service. Members can access one course for as low as $25 with dental team and non-member dentist pricing also available.


How Much Does this Cost? 

  • Member Dentist: $35 per webinar
  • Non-member Dentist: $200 per webinar
  • Dental Team: $35 per webinar
  • Dental Student: Free per webinar


How Do I Get the Webinar Started?
After completing your online registration, you’ll be sent an email with a link to take your webinar. The webinar will require internet access. To get started, click the link located under the webinar name listed on your confirmation email and this will open your web browser. For CE verification purposes, when prompted, enter your first and last name, email address, and webinar password (listed next to your webinar link). The webinar will automatically play. Be sure to record the course title, speaker, and CE code (given at the end of the webinar) on the blank CE Certificate located in your confirmation email. Individual participation is required as the IDA will not be able to verify group participation.


How Do I Get My CE Credits? 
Our video system tracks your webinar progress and participation. Upon completion of your webinar, the IDA will verify and update your CE hours in our registration system for future reference. Be sure to record the course title, speaker, and CE code (given at the end of the webinar) on the blank CE Certificate located in your confirmation email. Tracking of continuing education credits are the responsibility of the participant.


Tips for Watching the Webinar
Participation in the webinar(s) will be non-live, recorded video and audio by the presenter and moderator (IDA team) only. You will not need a microphone or webcam to participate. This is not meant to be an audio-only option. The speaker will not be present to answer questions at this webinar, it’s a recording only. The recorded session will be approximately 45 minutes of content followed by 15 minutes of previously asked questions.


What if I want to show a webinar for my team meeting? 
Due to the CE verification process, individual participation is the only way to obtain CE credits for the IDA webinars. A team may still view the webinar, however, they will not be able to obtain CE credits for their participation. Upon completion of the webinar, be sure to record the in-office training in their training records. All you need is the date, time spent, course title, who was in attendance and any supplemental training material used.


Need technical assistance or have questions? Call 800-562-5646 and ask for Judy. Enjoy this IDA benefit!


ADA CERP continuing education recognition program




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