Opioid Abuse and Prevention Self-Study Publication 2023

Thank you for your interest in the IDA’s 2023 Opioid Abuse and Prevention self-study publication. This publication and the related quiz fulfill the 2-hour Indiana state opioid CE requirement for the 2024 CSR license renewal, and it also counts toward the 8-hour MATE Act CE requirements for DEA registration renewals.


IDA member dentists automatically receive a print publication in the mail, but we also offer digital access on our website. We are happy to mail print copies to non-member dentists upon request, subject to availability.


The cost to access the quiz is:


  • $30 for IDA member dentists
  • $200 for non-member dentists


To access a digital version of the publication and/or the quiz, please see the information below.


Click the button at the top to purchase the digital publication and quiz. Upon completion of your purchase, your computer will take you to a thank-you screen with a “START THE COURSE” link. You can also click the “START THE COURSE” link in your email payment receipt from the IDA. If you are an IDA member and have already received and read your print publication, you can immediately begin the quiz.


If you wish to access the publication and quiz at a later time, simply log back in to the IDA website. On the welcome screen, there is a link to access your already purchased course and quiz. A quick access link is also below, but you must be logged in to the website for the link to take you to your account.



If you have questions about your purchase, call the IDA at 317-634-2610, or email IDA Director of Communications Kathy Walden.


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