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Well Being Program Donation

To make a donation to Well Being, please enter your donation amount in the text field below and click the Make a Donation button.

Minimum Donation: $20.00


“You saved my marriage, you saved my practice, you saved my life.”Anonymous


IDA’s Well Being Program assists dentists who are impaired by alcohol abuse or chemical dependence. Our Well Being Coordinator, a social worker and licensed clinical addiction counselor, designs and implements a strictly confidential, individualized plan of treatment to help dentists overcome their addictions. Well Being’s many success stories are a testament to the importance of this program in saving the professional lives of dentists who need help.


Although Well Being participants are required to contribute to the cost of their counseling and treatment plan, IDA subsidizes a significant amount of the operating budget for Well Being. We invite other dentists or anyone who wants to support this crucial service to Indiana dentists to provide a monetary donation to help offset the expenses related to Well Being. Our Well Being Coordinator and past, present and future dentists in treatment thank you for your generosity!


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