Below are the basic Indiana state CE requirements for dentists and hygienists.
Current Licensure Cycle: March 2, 2024 – March 1, 2026
- All continuing education courses must be approved by the Indiana State Board of Dentistry (ISBD) in order to apply toward the licensure credits.
- ADA, IDA and local component continuing education credits are all approved by the Indiana State Board of Dentistry.
- You receive one CE hour per state or national meeting you attend.
- Lecture credits are issued one hour per every one hour of attendance.
- Workshop credits are issued two hours per every one hour of participation.
- For both dentists and hygienists, half of all CE hours must be live. Online courses are considered live if there is real-time interaction between the instructor and the participants.
Basic CE Requirements for Dentists (at least 20 hours total)
- Indiana Ethics, Professional Responsibility & Jurisprudence (2 credit hours)
- Practice Management (not required, but a maximum of 5 credit hours can be applied in this category)
- Annual HIPAA Training as a Federal mandate (no specific amount of hours)**
- Opioid Prescribing & Abuse (2 credit hours for all dentists with a CSR license): This requirement is scheduled to sunset in 2025 but will not go away without a change in the state statute. We will keep members updated on the status of this requirement. Also see federal MATE Act requirements
- Annual OSHA/Infection Control Training as a Federal mandate (no specific number of hours)**
Basic CE Requirements for Hygienists (at least 19 hours total)
- Indiana Ethics, Professional Responsibility & Jurisprudence (2 credit hours)
- Practice Management (not required, but a maximum of 5 credit hours can be applied in this category)
- Annual HIPAA Training as a Federal mandate (no specific amount of hours)**
- Basic Life Support Certification
- Annual OSHA/Infection Control Training as a Federal mandate (no specific number of hours)**
Indiana Statutes and rules outlining the ISBD requirements can be found on the State of Indiana website.
** OSHA and HIPAA training are required by federal mandate but can also apply toward Indiana CE requirements.
It is important for each dental professional check the credentials of each course in which they participate. Only courses recognized by the Indiana State Board of Dentistry will count for credit toward renewing your license. All Indiana Dental Association courses and courses of the local dental societies are credentialed by the ADA Continuing Education Recognized Providers (ADA CERP) and accepted by the Indiana State Board of Dentistry.
Contact Us
Jay Dziwlik, Assistant Executive Director 800-562-5646

The Indiana Dental Association is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.