Dental Lifeline Network ● Indiana provides access to comprehensive dentistry for society’s most vulnerable individuals with disabilities or who are elderly or medically at-risk and have no other way to get help. Through Dental Lifeline Network’s Donated Dental Services (DDS) program, dentists and dental laboratories volunteer their services to help patients in need.
Indiana Donated Dental Services (DDS)
Last year alone, the Indiana DDS program, in collaboration with 699 volunteer dentists and 178 laboratories, provided nearly $1.063 million in dental care to 427 people. The dentists treat the patients, the laboratories donate needed materials, and DDS does everything else. The DDS coordinator screens applications, ensures that a patient arrives on time, serves as the liaison between the dental staff and patient, and arranges for any services needed from specialists or dental laboratories.
Who Qualifies for DDS
Qualified applicants must have a permanent disability, be critically ill, or be elderly and have no financial resources with which to receive dental care. Applicants must need extensive dental care, not just a cleaning and checkup. DDS coordinators take great care in screening applications, so volunteers can be assured that the patients whom they serve are truly in need.
DDS Participation Information
Volunteering is easy:
- Review the patient profile in advance
- Choose to see or decline any patient
- Determine your own treatment plan
- See patients in your own office
- Never pay lab costs
- No extra paperwork for your office staff
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