Chair Needed for Indiana Mission of Mercy

Chair Needed for Indiana Mission of Mercy

Since 2015, the Indiana Mission of Mercy has provided nearly $3 million in care to over 3,000 Hoosiers in need. IDA is currently searching for a dentist who is willing to lead the 2021 event.

It’s no secret that this event is a considerable time commitment, but the help provided to children and adults in need of dental care is invaluable! Keep these facts in mind when considering a leadership role as Chair of IndianaMoM 2021:

  • You won’t go it alone: The IndianaMoM organizing committee has more than 30 members who oversee everything from the hosting facility and equipment rental to volunteer management and pre-event publicity. Many committee members have helped organize all three past events, and their expertise will no doubt make 2021 planning smoother than ever.
  • Co-chairs welcome! Worried about taking on such a large commitment? Invite a fellow dentist to partner with you as Chair. The 2019 IndianaMoM event had Co-Chairs who were able to split duties and share the load.
  • Choose the location and date: The IndianaMoM Chair is free to select the event city of his or her choice! Past events were in Indianapolis and Fort Wayne, but we are willing to host the event in other locations in Indiana, even smaller areas.

IDA thanks you for considering a leadership role in this important event. To express interest or to get more information about the Chair position, contact Jay Dziwlik at the IDA.

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