How to Use the IDA Website

Need help utilizing features at the IDA website? Brief video tutorials are available below, or contact the IDA Central Office at 800-562-5646.


How to Login

How to Update Your Profile

How to Change Your Password

How to Upload Your Profile Picture



How to Log Into the IDA Website

Logging into the IDA website is easy. Simply click LOGIN at the top right of the screen and enter your username and password. Your username is your ADA member; check your email for your password. You can verify that you are logged in by checking for your name at the top right corner of the page. Can’t find the email message? Call the IDA office at 800-562-5646 to have your password reset.



How to Update Your IDA Member Profile

To update your profile, log into the site and click My Profile in your personal user menu. Once inside your profile, click the Edit Profile link to open the edit screen. Click on any field that you would like to update, and enter your current information. The information that appears in your profile is the same information that appears in the Online Member Directory, which is accessible to IDA Members Only. You do have the option to exclude certain information from the Member Directory. Just click the Hide from Public box under any field that you do not want displayed to other members.


Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update Profile when you are satisfied with the changes you’ve made.


Keep in mind, some fields are mandatory and cannot be changed. If you notice a discrepancy and you are unable to update the field, contact the IDA central office at 800-562-5646.



How to Change Your Password to the IDA website

Please Note: Your IDA and ADA passwords are NOT the same. If you would like to use the same password for both sites, contact the IDA Central Office at 800-562-5646, or follow the directions on this page to update your IDA password, then visit the ADA website to update your ADA password.


For security reasons, we ask that you change your default password. Simply login with your username and current password, then:


  1. click My Profile under your name in the top right corner.
  2. Click Edit Profile to open the Edit screen.
  3. Scroll all the way to the bottom and enter your New Password.
  4. Enter your New Password again in the Confirm Password field.
  5. Click Update Profile, and your new password will be saved.


To make your new password secure, do not use your first or last name. Use a password that is at least 8 characters; try using both Capital and Lower case letters, and include numbers or special characters. If you need assistance creating a new password, contact the IDA central office at 800-562-5646.



How to Upload Your Picture to Your IDA Member Profile

You can add your photo to your profile rather easily through your desktop or mobile device:


  1. If you aren’t already on your profile screen, click My Profile under your personal user menu (make sure you’re logged in first). You’ll also want to verify that your desk top computer or mobile device has a digital image of you stored somewhere. The image must be in JPEG, PNG or GIF format and can be larger than 20mb.
  2. To add a photo to your profile, or to update the current photo, click Update Image.
  3. Click the Chose File button, scroll to the image you’d like to use, and click the Upload Image button.
  4. Once the image is loaded, use the Crop Tool to edit the image to the perfect size. You can drag the corners of the crop tool to resize, and move the marker around to reposition.
  5. Once you’re satisfied with your image, click Crop Image, then click Save Image to save the newly cropped image to the website server. (The Save Image step is dependent on your browser setup. You may only need to use Crop Image and the image will save automatically.) Following these steps will not make any changes to the original image on your computer.
  6. Once your image is uploaded, be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update Profile.


If you would like assistance adding an image to your IDA member profile, contact the IDA Central Office at 800-562-5646.





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